
Journal articles

The quality of government conditions political disagreement over redistributive policies, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 2024 [preprint] [replication package] [OSF repository]

The impact of public opinion on voting and policymaking: is public opinion exogenous or endogenous? Journal of Political Science / Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 2024, 34(1): 77–100 [download] [open access]

Labor market risks and welfare preferences: a bounded rationality approach, Socio-Economic Review, 2024, 22(1): 327–348 [download]

The electoral consequences of taxation in OECD countries (with Frank Bandau), Electoral Studies, 2024, 88: 102774 [download] [preprint] [replication package] [OSF repository]

The electoral consequences of welfare state changes: a sober look at theory and evidence (with Frank Bandau), Journal of European Public Policy, 2023, 30(8): 1633–1656 [preprint] [replication package]

A victim of regulatory arbitrage? Automatic exchange of information and the use of golden visas and corporate shells (with Lukas Hakelberg and Thomas Rixen), Regulation & Governance, 2022, 16(3): 653–672 [download] [open access]

Unfair inequality and the demand for redistribution, Socio-Economic Review, 2022, 20(2): 463–487 [download] [LIS working paper]

New Room to Maneuver: National tax policy under the automatic exchange of information (with Fabio Bothner, Lukas Hakelberg and Thomas Rixen), Socio-Economic Review, 2022, 20(2): 561–583 [download] [preprint]

The (a)symmetric effects of income and unemployment on popular demand for redistribution, West European Politics, 2022, 45(7): 1407–1432 [preprint]

Response to Reuven Avi-Yonah, Steven Dean and Cees Peters (with Lukas Hakelberg and Thomas Rixen), Intertax, 2021, 49(6/7): 564–568

Transcending Tax Competition: How Financial Transparency Enables Governments to Tax Portfolio Capital (with Lukas Hakelberg and Thomas Rixen), Intertax, 2021, 49(6/7): 549–554

The Big Bang: Tax Evasion after Automatic Exchange of Information under FATCA and CRS (with Fabio Bothner), New Political Economy, 2020, 25(6): 849–864

The Impact of Partisanship in the Era of Retrenchment: Insights from Quantitative Welfare State Research (with Frank Bandau), Journal of European Social Policy, 2020, 30(1): 34–47

Theorizing the Impact of Fairness Perceptions on the Demand for Redistribution, Political Research Exchange, 2019, 1(1): 1617639 [download] [open access]

Equity financing, labor market mobility and the Varieties of Capitalism: the mobilizing impact of stock markets, Comparative Governance and Politics, 2019, 13(3): 353–374


Inequality and the demand for redistribution: six essays on the causes and consequences of policy preferences, Doctoral dissertation, Free University of Berlin, 2023 [download]


Capital Taxation and International Cooperation: The Causes and Consequences of the Automatic Exchange of Information (with Fabio Bothner, Lukas Hakelberg and Thomas Rixen), in: Brigitte Unger, Lucia Rossel, and Joras Ferwerda (eds.), Combatting Fiscal Fraud and Empowering Regulators, 2021, Oxford University Press [open access]